
Spreading the XML paradigm around

Chcete se stát mistry v použití technologií XML? Zúčastněte se nejlepších školení XML v Česku

XML is verbose, JSON not, not?

Yes, I'm XML-head but I can admit that there are valid use-cases for JSON. For example sending few bits of information from backend to browsers in AJAX applications. It's a pity that leading IT company can not do the same for XML when JSON is clearly not right tool to do the job.

2019-02-12 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2019/02/json-vs-xml23 Comments

Do Not Miss XML Prague 2014

If you are markup addict you most likely have XML Prague on your radar already. Anyway the conference is approaching and you should register as soon as possible if you want to join XML gathering.

2014-01-10 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2014/01/xmlprague-20140 Comments

Using ITS 2.0 in DITA

DITA is probably the most popular XML-based authoring format these days. Content stored in this format is usually being translated into other languages and DITA thus can profit from integration with a new ITS 2.0 standard. Let's see what are a ways to integrate those two technologies.

2013-11-25 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2013/11/dita-and-its20 Comments

Using ITS 2.0 in DocBook

ITS 2.0 is rushing into final standardization stages. DocBook supported ITS 1.0 from very early stages so I have upgraded DocBook schema with ITS 2.0 support.

2013-05-15 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2013/05/docbook-and-its22 Comments

Do Not Miss XML Prague 2012

If you are markup addict you most likely have XML Prague on your radar already. But as the conference takes place more then month earlier then in past—on February 10–12, 2012—some things are approaching faster then you might expect.

2011-11-25 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2011/11/xmlprague-20120 Comments

Power of XSLT

Když se na stránkách konference WebExpo objevil seznam účastníků, ozvalo se několik výtek k tomu, že kód stránky je divný a že se z toho špatně dají vytáhnout údaje o účastnících. Jistě nějaký ten mikroformát nebo mikrodato by neuškodilo, ale s vhodným nástrojem je to hračka i tak.

2011-10-13 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2011/10/power-of-xslt2 Comments

Saxon Gettext updated for Saxon 9.1

I have updated saxon-gettext extension to support the latest open-source version of Saxon which supports extension instructions. See .

2010-11-24 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2010/11/saxon-gettext-update0 Comments

Streaming and XSLT 2.1

For a third time in recent years W3C XSL Working Group met at the University of Economics in Prague to work on a new version 2.1 of XSLT.

2010-03-11 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2010/03/prague-xslt-wg-f2f2 Comments

Nová školení XML na podzim

Do nabídky kurzů jsem na podzim přidal několik novinek – školení na XSLT 2.0 a OOXML. Obou nových školení se můžete zúčastnit v kurzech pořádaných ve spolupráci se společností Cleverlance.

2009-09-08 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2009/09/podzimni-skoleni-xml0 Comments

Návrhy na opravy normy ISO/IEC 29500 (OOXML)

Již při přijetí normy ISO/IEC 29500 bylo jasné, že vzhledem k rozsahu normy v ní bude mnoho překlepů a dalších více či méně závažnějších chyb. Po přijetí normy proto byla ustavena v rámci ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 nová pracovní skupina WG4, která má na starosti další údržbu normy. Před pár dny byly členským státům postoupeny ke schválení první návrhy na opravy normy. Pokud chcete, můžete se stejně jako v případě přijímání OOXML vyjádřit k jednotlivým změnám.

2009-09-03 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2009/09/navrhy-na-opravy-ooxml0 Comments

Bez komentáře

Chodí mi různé maily, ale pořád člověka občas něco překvapí.

2009-06-17 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2009/06/bez-komentare5 Comments

Aktualizace počeštění FOPu 0.95

FOP 0.95 změnil nepatrně formát souborů s metrikami fontů. Ze stránky si můžete stáhnout aktualizované metriky pro nejběžnější fonty a rovněž aktualizaci vzorů pro dělení slov.

2009-06-11 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2009/06/pocesteni-fop-0.95Comments

Catching Up

Past busy but interesting weeks were cause of my silence there. Lets improve my bloger reputation now.

2009-04-23 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2009/04/catching-up0 Comments

Christmas Reading

In past months I have been more and more behind on this blog. As an excuse or Christmas (or choose other holidays of your preference) gift please find links to articles that I have recently written.

2008-12-22 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/12/xmas-reading0 Comments

Volná místa na školení „XML pro vývojáře“

Od 16. do 18. prosince povedu třídenní úvodní školení do XML a souvisejících technologií. Pár míst je ještě volných, takže pokud potřebujete získat nebo rozšířit vaše znalosti jazyka XML, můžete se ještě přihlásit.

2008-12-03 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/12/skoleni-xml0 Comments

James Clark Is Back On XML

It seems that more magic than in Potter's books is now reality. James Clark announced that he will be working on Jing/Trang tools again.

2008-11-06 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/11/james-clark-back-on-xml0 Comments

Do Not Miss XML Prague 2009

XML Prague 2009 was officially announced today. I think that XML Prague is going to be top XML conference in Europe. So if you are markup addict please reserve 21-22 March 2009 in your schedule.

2008-11-06 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/11/xmlprague-20090 Comments

Seminář o OOXML

Ve čtvrtek 9. října povedu celodenní seminář o formátu OOXML. Seminář je primárně určen pro vývojáře, kteří potřebují načítat, modifikovat a generovat dokumenty ve formátu OOXML. Kromě samotného popisu formátů během semináře ukáži mnoho nástrojů a technik pro práci s OOXML.

2008-10-01 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/10/seminar-ooxml0 Comments

Poslední volná místa na školení XSLT

Příští týden od 16. do 19. září povedu čtyřdenní školení na téma XSLT. Zbývá pár posledních míst, takže pokud potřebujete získat nebo rozšířit vaše znalosti jazyka XSLT, můžete se ještě přihlásit.

2008-09-08 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/09/skoleni-xslt0 Comments

Welcome Jiří!

It is very trendy to create extensive photogalery and blog for newborn babies these days. We tried to resist, but several our friends asked for photos. So they are here.

2008-05-30 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/05/welcome-jiri5 Comments

Screenshots of The First Application That Supports ISO/IEC 29500

Blogosphere has been full of speculations about when and if ever Microsoft will support ISO/IEC 29500 format in MS Office. Some people believe and wish that OpenOffice.org with ISO/IEC 29500 support will be released earlier then MS Office. But don't get fooled, the first application conforming to ISO/IEC 29500 is out, it is neither MS Office nor OpenOffice.org, it is coming from Free Software Foundation and you can see screenshots here.

2008-05-07 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/05/first-application-supporting-is-295000 Comments

Drafting Future of OOXML

Or to be more precise Drafting Future of OOXML Maintenance. I have spent last few days in Oslo attending ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 plenary meeting. SC34 is now responsible for maintaining ISO/IEC 29500 (OOXML) and this meeting drafted paths for future maintenance of this document format which is now in ISO hands.

2008-04-09 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/04/drafting-future-of-ooxml0 Comments

Captured By Fire

It seems that it can be very dangerous if you stay in your office after 6pm on Friday…

2008-03-28 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/03/captured-by-fire0 Comments

Report from BRM

More detailed report ought to have published. But because of lack of time, blogs full of misleading information related to OOXML and spurious accusals only few pictures and frustration.

2008-03-22 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/02/report-from-brm17 Comments

Proč bude český hlas pro OOXML „ano“

V posledních dnech se opět rozvířila hladina okolo přijetí formátu OOXML za mezinárodní normu. Impulsem byla mimo jiné i moje zpráva z BRM, která doporučuje změnit hlas ČR na „ano“. Proč zpráva obsahuje toto doporučení a proč ani nemůže doporučit nic jiného?

2008-03-19 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/03/proc-bude-cesky-hlas-pro-ooxml-ano48 Comments

Prague and Future of XSLT

I had honour to host W3C XSL Working Group face-to-face meeting at the University of Economics in Prague during the past three days.

2008-02-21 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/02/prague-xsl-wg-f2f0 Comments

Best Practices for XML Internationalization

Last week W3C Note Best Practices for XML Internationalization has been published. You should definitively check it out if you are designing schemas or creating XML content because you never know when your XML content have to be localized.

2008-02-20 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/02/bp-xml-i18n0 Comments

Evaluation of ECMA responses to Czech OOXML comments

Today ECMA published responses to all comments submitted by national bodies during DIS29500 ballot. Unfortunatelly due to stupid ISO rules ECMA responses are not public, only ISO member organizations can see them. As I was responsible for collecting Czech commments I'm also in a good position to evaluate ECMA response to them. [UPDATED] I missed one last minute change made by ECMA, so there is only one unresolved editorial comment and six partially resolved comments.

2008-01-14 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2008/01/ecma-response-to-czech-ooxml-comments29 Comments

OOXML – co bude dál?

Na začátku září se děly věci – alespoň ten dojem bylo snadné získat při čtení různých článků a blogpostů týkajících se hlasování o OOXML. Schválně jsem se k situaci nevyjadřoval a počkal jsem až situace trochu zchladne.

2007-10-21 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/10/ooxml-co-bude-dal0 Comments

Comments for Office Open XML (OOXML)

If you are watching process of OOXML adoption as an ISO standard you might be interested in reading comments which will be sent by Czech Republic.

2007-08-02 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/08/czech-ooxml-comments-in-english4 Comments

Czech Comments for Office Open XML (OOXML) are done

During the past months a lot of my resources were exhausted by OOXML as I as a Czech representative at ISO JTC1/SC34 was responsible for collecting comments and preparing final set of comments to be sent to ISO on behalf of Czech Standards Institute (CSI). Yesterday during the F2F meeting with other people who sent comments or opposed them we agreed on the rest of unresolved issues so basically work is done. Woohoo!

2007-07-19 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/07/czech-comments-ooxml2 Comments

NVDL Lecture

My colleagues from Masaryk Univesity in Brno invited me to have talk in their XML class. I have been thinking about appropriate topic, and finally I decided to talk about validation and NVDL.

2007-05-10 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/05/nvdl-lecture0 Comments

Office Open XML a „normalizák“

Office Open XML (OOXML) je formát dokumentů používaný v novém MS Office 2007. Microsoft tento formát uvolnil, organizace ECMA jej přijala jako svůj standard a nyní probíhá proces přijetí OOXML jako mezinárodní normy ISO. Jaké stanovisko zaujme k návrhu standardu Česko?

2007-05-01 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/05/office-open-xml0 Comments

ITS is W3C Recommendation

Today, Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) was published as a W3C Recommendation. Congratulations to all folks who made this happen!

2007-04-03 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/04/its-recommendation0 Comments

DocBook Dinner

DocBook dinners have a long tradition. If you will attend XTech 2007 you can help to honor the tradition. This time on Thursday, May 17th, from 19:00 in Paris.

2007-04-02 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/04/docbook-dinner1 Comment

Comments II

It turned out that Haloscan.com comment system is more appropriate for my needs.

2007-03-26 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/03/comments22 Comments


Comments feature was missing on my blog for a long time. I was looking for easy and fast to setup solution. Finally comments are completely outsourced from Nabble.com.

2007-03-14 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/03/comments0 Comments

Being Invited Expert

W3C member policy is a very unfriendly to individuals compared to other standardization bodies like OASIS and ISO. In W3C there is no individual membership for reasonable fee. I have been criticizing this at different occasions. And finally, I have been invited.

2007-02-04 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/02/w3c-invited-expert0 Comments

Do not miss XML Prague 2007

This year I am helping with organization of this very interesting XML conference. This year conference will be extended to two full days and you still have time to submit your presentation proposal.

2007-02-04 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2007/02/xmlprague0 Comments

Using GNU Gettext with Saxon

There are many existing solutions to create localized XSLT stylesheets which are able to output content in a different languages. But none of them offers robustness, performance, flexibility and elegance of GNU Gettext library—popular localization library available for almost any programming language. Because I was in need for a good localization XSLT library for one project I decided to create extension which will allow to use GNU Gettext in XSLT 2.0 stylesheets when processed with Saxon 8.x/9.x.

2006-10-21 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/10/saxon-gettext0 Comments

Welcome Adélka!

It is very trendy to create extensive photogalery and blog for newborn babies these days. We tried to resist, but several our friends asked for photos. So they are here. But just few and there is also something about markup.

2006-08-30 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/08/welcome-adelka2 Comments

Show me your highlighted code

Recently I have integrated XSLTHL source code highlighting library into the DocBook XSL stylesheets. This means that from now you can make your DocBook programlistings even more appealing to readers.

2006-07-22 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/07/docbook-syntax-highlighting9 Comments

Closing WWW2006

A short report from Friday at WWW2006 Conference.

2006-05-27 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/05/www2006-four0 Comments

Relaxed at WWW2006

A short report from Thursday at WWW2006 Conference.

2006-05-26 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/05/www2006-three0 Comments

Day two at WWW2006

A short report from Wednesday at WWW2006 Conference.

2006-05-24 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/05/www2006-two0 Comments

WWW2006 Conference

This week I will spend in Edinburgh where WWW2006 conference takes place this year. Here you can find some of my insights from the largest Web conference.

2006-05-23 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/05/www2006-one0 Comments

Early Access to JNVDL

The first public alpha release of JNVDL (NVDL implementation written in Java) is out. If you need to validate compound documents please give it a try.

2006-05-01 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/05/jnvdl-early-access4 Comments

Separate Atom feeds for English and Czech articles

Time to time I can publish something in Czech here to satisfy my Czech readers and fans. Because of this I created new separate English and Czech feeds so you can easily filter content in which you are interested in.

2006-04-05 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/04/en-cs-feeds0 Comments

XML pro každého pro každého

Dnes mám pro vás dvě zprávy – jednu špatnou a jednu dobrou. Ta špatná je, že moje kniha „XML pro každého“ je vyprodána a její dotisk nebude. Dobrá zpráva je, že kniha je nyní k dispozici zdarma v elektronické podobě.

2006-04-05 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/04/xml-pro-kazdeho2 Comments

DocBook, translations and ITS

Many content stored in DocBook is being translated into other languages. The translation is a complex problem and it is very expensive. One small issue in every automated translation system is the need for specifying content to translate, and not to translate. W3C is developing small XML vocabulary called ITS which can be used to identify translatable content. Lets see how we can integrate this into DocBook.

2006-03-15 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/03/docbook-and-its0 Comments

Choosing DocBook table model

For a long time DocBook was supporting only CALS table model. Since V4.3 support for HTML table model was added. Which model you should use? How to remove the other table model from schema?

2006-03-14 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/03/docbook-table-models3 Comments

To <notAllow/> or to <empty/>?

I started to develop quite large DocBook V5.0 customization today. During this process I found that I don't know all RELAX NG corners well. If you are interested how to create DocBook subsets by removing elements and attribute, you might find this short article quite interesting.

2006-03-14 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/03/notallowed-or-empty0 Comments

DocBook specialization made easy

In many real world projects it is unacceptable to use DocBook as is. You need remove unused elements and at the same time add new specific elements to improve usability of the whole documentation solution. With DocBook V5.0, RELAX NG and few clever tricks you can create custom version of DocBook together with processing rules in a few minutes.

2006-03-09 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/03/easy-docbook-specialization0 Comments

Welcome to my blog!

I have been thinking about some place where I can easily publish some my observations and thoughts about XML. Today I crafted several simple scripts and stylesheets that are able to generated this site.

2006-03-08 – URL: http://xmlguru.cz/2006/03/welcome0 Comments
Copyright © Jiří Kosek, 2006–2018